Burton Malkiel
Random Walk Down Wall Street
Burton G. Malkiel, the Chemical Bank Chairmans
Professor of Economics at Princeton University ,
is the author of the widely read investment book,
A Random Walk Down Wall Street. The revised 9th
edition paperback of the book was published in 2007.
Dr. Malkiel has long held professorships in economics
at Princeton , where he was also chairman of the
Economics Department. He was dean of the Yale School
of Management and William S. Beinecke Professor
of Management Studies there from 1981 to 1987.
He is a past appointee to the Presidents Council
of Economic Advisors. In addition, he currently
serves or has served on the boards of several financial
corporations including Prudential Financial and
the Vanguard Group and nonfinancial corporations
such as Genmab and Theravance. He has also served
on several investment management boards including
the Investment Committee for the American Philosophical
Association. He is a past president of the American
Finance Association and is a member of the American
Economic Association.
He is also the author or co-editor of eight other
books, the most recent of which are The Random Walk
Guide to Investing: 10 Rules for Financial Success
and Global Bargain Hunting: An Investors Guide
to Profits in Emerging Markets, with J. P. Mei and
From Wall Street to the Great Wall, with others.
He holds a B.A. and MBA degree from Harvard and
a Ph.D. degree from Princeton Universities and began
his career in the investment banking department
of Smith Barney & Co.
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Dr. Marc Faber

Dr. Marc Faber was born
in Zurich, Switzerland. He went to school in Geneva
and Zurich and finished high school with the Matura.
He studied Economics at the University of Zurich
and, at the age of 24, obtained a PhD in Economics
magna cum laude.
1970 and 1978, Dr Faber
worked for White Weld
& Company Limited
in New York, Zurich and
Hong Kong.
1973, he has lived in
Hong Kong. From 1978 to
February 1990, he was
the Managing Director
of Drexel Burnham Lambert
(HK) Ltd. In June 1990,
he set up his own business,
acts as an investment
advisor and fund manager.
Faber publishes a widely
read monthly investment
newsletter "The
Gloom Boom & Doom
Report" report
which highlights unusual
investment opportunities,
and is the author of
several books including
Asia's Age of
Discovery which
was first published
in 2002 and highlights
future investment opportunities
around the world.
was for several weeks
on Amazon's best seller
list and is being translated
into Japanese, Chinese,
Korean, Thai and German.
Dr. Faber is also a
regular contributor
to several leading financial
publications around
the world.
book on Dr Faber, "RIDING
by Nury Vittachi, was
published in 1998.
A regular speaker at
various investment seminars,
Dr Faber is well known
for his "contrarian"
investment approach.
is also associated with
a variety of funds and
is a member of the Board
of Directors of numerous
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Capitalism Will Save Us

President and Chief Executive Officer of Forbes and
Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine.
Since Mr. Forbes assumed his position in 1990, the
company has launched a variety of new publications
and businesses. They include: Forbes FYI, the irreverent
lifestyle supplement; Forbes Global, the magazine's
international publication; and Chinese, Korean, Japanese,
Brazilian, Russian, Arabic and Hebrew editions of
the magazine. Forbes also publishes the Gilder Technology
Report, as well as a number of investment newsletters.
1997 Forbes entered the new media arena with the launch
of Forbes.com. The site now attracts over seven million
unique visitors a month and has become the leading
destination site for business decision-makers and
a copy of my latest book, please Click
The Crash

R. Prechter, Jr., CMT, is founder and president
of Elliott Wave International, the worlds largest
independent financial forecasting firm. He has been
writing market commentary since 1976. In 1984, Bob
set a record in the options division of the U.S. Trading
Championship with a real-money trading account. In
December 1989, Financial News Network (now CNBC) named
him "Guru of the Decade." Bob served for
nine years on the national Board of the Market Technicians
Association and in 1990-1991 served as its president.
During the 1990s, he expanded his firm to provide
round-the-clock analysis on global financial markets.
Bob has written 13 books on finance, beginning with
Elliott Wave Principle in 1978, which predicted a
1920s-style stock market boom. His 2002 title, Conquer
the Crash - You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary
Crash and Depression, was a New York Times best-seller.
In 1999, Bob received the CSTAs first annual
A.J. Frost Memorial Award for Outstanding Contribution
to the Development of Technical Analysis. In 2003,
Traders Library granted him its Hall of Fame award.
current interest is a new approach to social science,
which he outlined in Socionomicsthe Science
of History and Social Prediction (1999-2003). This
two-book set presents a theory of endogenously regulated
social mood and its manifestation in social action.
In July 2007, The Journal of Behavioral Finance published
The Financial/Economic Dichotomy: A Socionomic
Perspective, a paper by Prechter and his colleague,
Dr. Wayne Parker. Prechter has made presentations
on his socionomic theory to the London School of Economics,
Georgia Tech, MIT, SUNY and academic conferences.
He recently created the Socionomics Institute, which
is dedicated to explaining socionomics, and he funds
the Socionomics Foundation, which supports academic
research in the field.
my latest book: Click
graduating from Harvard College and Boston University
Law School and passing the Massachusetts Bar, Peter
Eliades moved to New York City where he entertained
as a performer/singer and pianist in Manhattan cabarets
and off-Broadway musical comedy. In 1967, he moved
to Los Angeles and continued his musical career. In
1968, with a lot of time and curiosity and a little
money, Peter initiated his stock market studies. The
motivation for those studies was a book on stock market
cycles written by J. M. Hurst called, The Profit Magic
of Stock Transaction Timing.
1972, he began his financial career as a stock broker.
Peter never enjoyed sales, but he was promised he
could make daily TV appearances and give market commentary
if he became a broker. This appealed both to his "show-biz"
side and his new-found love of market analysis, so
he accepted the offer, and appeared as a stock market
analyst on Los Angeles television station KWHY, the
nation's first financial TV station, for several years
beginning in 1973. Several times in the fall of 1974,
in a market that had seen the average share of stock
drop for almost 6 years since December 1968, he predicted
on KWHY that a major market bottom would occur during
the week of December 9-13, 1974. The exact Dow low
of 570.01 occurred on December 9, 1974. As a result
of that spectacular and well noted forecast, publication
of Stockmarket Cycles began in July of 1975. In 1982,
he began a long string of appearances on FNN, the
nation's first financial network. He made several
notable forecasts on FNN, and his forecast for a very
important market bottom on January 24, 1983, was widely
noted for several weeks prior to that date. On exactly
January 24, 1983, the Dow ended a decline of over
8% and moved below the 1000 level for the last time
prior to the start of what was a virtually uninterrupted
20 year run to the upside. There was an interruption
of note in October 1987, of course. It was a 2 day
crash of more than 28% intraday. In a subsequent report,
the Wall St. Journal quoted Mark Hulbert as citing
Stockmarket Cycles as one of the top two or three
services in getting subscribers out of the market
in a timely fashion before the crash.
1985, the first year Stockmarket Cycles was rated
by the independent rating services, Peter earned Timer
Digest's "Timer of the Year" award and placed
second in 1986 in a close race which wasn't decided
until the final trading day of the year. In 1989,
Mark Hulbert (Hulbert Financial Digest) named Peter
as the "Most Consistent Mutual Fund Switcher"
based on his timing signals for the years 1985, 1986,
1987, and 1988. From January 1985 when Hulbert first
started rating Stockmarket Cycles, through August
1990, Stockmarket Cycles had the #1 market timing
record in the country with a timing gain of 174.3%
versus a comparable gain in the Wilshire 5000 Total
Return Index of 119%. Peter repeated that winning
performance once again from June 1986 through June
1996. Over that 10 year period, Stockmarket Cycles'
Fidelity Select mutual fund portfolio was the leader
by a very substantial margin over all the other rated
mutual fund portfolios in the country. The September
1996 AAII Journal (American Association of Individual
Investors) published a rating of the performance of
27 mutual fund portfolios from the country's best
known newsletter writers from June 1986 through June
1996. The average annual gain of the other 26 portfolios
was 9.13%. Stockmarket Cycles' Fidelity Select Portfolio
showed an annualized gain of 16.50%. The nearest competitor
was at 12.49%. During the 2000-2003 bear market, Stockmarket
Cycles performance was again #1 as tabulated by Hulbert
with an annualized gain of 13.9% in the face of an
S&P 500 loss of 43.4% from March 31, 2000-March
31, 2003.
the March 22, 1999 issue of Barron's, Eliades wrote
an article that was greeted by guffaws and ridicule
by the great majority of analysts and investors. Just
as the Dow was approaching 10,000 for the first time
in history, Eliades stated it could be years, even
a decade or more before 10,000 was breached significantly.
The epilogue of that story is now history.
2001, Peter was honored by the MTA (Market Technicians
Association) with the prestigious Charles Dow Award
for excellence and creativity in Technical Analysis.
Eliades was a regular weekly panelist on ABC Network's
weekly Sunday show, Business World in the 1990s, and
has made frequent guest appearances on FNN, CNBC,
Wall Street Week, Larry King Live, and Nightly Business
Report. He has been featured in some of the nation's
most prestigious publications including Barron's,
The Wall Street Journal, and Forbes among others,
and in a cover story in Futures Magazine. He has authored
articles several articles published in Barron's.
recent years, Eliades has directed his attention to
the development of trading systems, but has remained
deeply involved with studying and developing technical
indicators for analyzing the stock market. He has
recently started a hedge fund, The Plutus Fund, based
on cyclic patterns in the market.
visit my website: Click
James Turk,
Peter Grandich, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian - June 5, 2010
Celente, Robert Kiyosaki, Chris Waltzek, Bob
Chapman & Robert Ian - May 29, 2010
Dr. Ron
Paul, Louis Navellier, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - May 22, 2010
Jim Rogers,
Kevin Kerr, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian - May 15, 2010
Williams, Richard Daughty, Chris Waltzek, Bob
Chapman & Robert Ian - May 8, 2010
Harry S.
Dent Jr. Peter Schiff, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - May 1, 2010
Kiyosaki, Bob Hoye, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - Apr 24, 2010
Murphy, Arch Crawford, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - Apr 17, 2010
James Turk,
Steve Hochberg, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian - Apr 10, 2010
Dr. Leeb,
Danny Schechter, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - Apr 3, 2010
Celente, Axel Merk, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - Mar 27, 2010
Jim Rogers,
Eric Coffin, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian - Mar 20, 2010
Kerr, Peter Schiff, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - Mar 13, 2010
G. Edward
Griffin, Harry S. Dent Jr, Chris Waltzek, Bob
Chapman & Robert Ian - Mar 6, 2010
Forbes, Dr. Ron Paul, Robert Prechter Jr., Gerald
Celente, Peter Eliades, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian(Encore Show)- February
27, 2010
Dr. Burton
Malkiel, Dr. Marc Faber, Chris Waltzek, Bob
Chapman & Robert Ian - February
20, 2010
Celente, James Turk, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - February 13, 2010
Forbes, Robert Prechter Jr., Peter Eliades,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- February 6, 2010
Williams, Jeffrey Christian, Chris Waltzek,
Bob Chapman & Robert Ian - January
30, 2010
Gartman, Gary Dorsch, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - January 23, 2010
Daughty, John Mauldin, David Morgan, Chris Waltzek,
Bob Chapman & Robert Ian - January
16, 2010
Eggelletion, Addison Wiggin, Harry S. Dent Jr.,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- January 9, 2010
Kevin Kerr,
George Z. Blake, Louis Navellier, Chris Waltzek,
Bob Chapman & Robert Ian - January
2, 2010
Doug Casey,
Bob Hoye, Charles Goyette, Chris Waltzek, Bob
Chapman & Robert Ian - December
26, 2009
Dr. Ron Paul,
Gerald Celente, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - December 19, 2009
Jim Rogers,
Dr. Marc Faber, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - December 12, 2009
Prechter, John Rubino, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - December 5, 2009
Jim Sinclair,
Bill Murphy, Chris Powell, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - November 21, 2009
Dr. Stephen
Leeb & Peter Grandich, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman
& Robert Ian - November 21, 2009
Austin Fitts & James Turk, Chris Waltzek, Bob
Chapman & Robert Ian - November 14, 2009
Jim Rogers,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- November 7, 2009
Harry S. Dent
Jr., Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- October 31, 2009
Peter Schiff,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- October 24, 2009
Celente, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- October 17, 2009
John Williams,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- October 10, 2009
John Williams,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- October 10, 2009
Robert Prechter,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- October 3rd, 2009
Grandich, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - September 26th, 2009
James Turk,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- September 19th, 2009
Dr. Marc
Faber, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- September 12th, 2009
Gerald Celente,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- September 5th, 2009
Harry S. Dent,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- August 29th, 2009
Kevin Kerr,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- August 22nd, 2009
Celente, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- August 15th, 2009
Sinclair, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - August 8th, 2009
Dr. Ron Paul
& Jim Rogers, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian(encore show) - August 1st, 2009
Grandich, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - July 25th, 2009
Kal Gronvall,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- July 18th, 2009
James Turk,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- July 11th, 2009
Jim Rogers,
Chris Waltzek, Warren Brussee, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - July 4th, 2009
Axel Merk,
Richard Daughty, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian - June 27, 2009
Peter Schiff, Chris
Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian - June
20, 2009
Ron Paul, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - June 13, 2009
S. Dent Jr., Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - June 6, 2009
John Williams, ZGB,
Peter Grandich, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - May 30, 2009
Dr. Marc
Faber, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- May 23, 2009
Celente, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- May 16, 2009
Simmons, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- May 9, 2009
Gerald Celente, Chris
Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian - May
2, 2009
Rogers, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - April 25, 2009
Otto, Amber Lupton, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian - April 18, 2009
Saxena, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - April 11, 2009
Dylan Ratigan, Greg
McCoach, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian (Encore Show) - March 28, 2009
Michael J. Panzner,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- March 14, 2009
Navellier, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - March 7, 2009
Kal Gronvall,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
-February 14, 2009
Kerr, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- January 31, 2009
Keith Neumeyer,
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- January 24, 2009
Greg McCoach, Chris
Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian - January
17, 2009
Leo Kim, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian-
January 10, 2009
Casey, Chris
Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian- January
3, 2009
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