Current Housing Fear Index
Chris Waltzek
August 16, 2012
Although there are many useful
factors for deriving home prices, such as regional market conditions,
pool of available buyers, access to easy loans (FHA), low interest
rates, unemployment level, and new home construction, analysts
opinions (qualitative analysis) vary widely with regard to home
price values. Quantitative analysis takes over where qualitative
analysis ends. The Current Housing Fear Index (HFI)* essentially
uses statistics to cut through the noise and rhetoric in order
to quantify the true median home price value given the shadow
inventory of homes (Figure 1.1.) and government largess, e.g..,
QE and Fed stimulus represented by the M3 (Figure 1.2.):
Figure 1.1. US Shadow Inventory

Figure 1.1. Courtesy of
Figure 1.2. M3 Money Supply

Figure 1.2. Courtesy of
In order to determine a fair
value for the US median home, first the 2006
HFI is calculated given total existing inventories
in equation 1.1.. Next the 2012 median home
price is calculated in equation 1.2:
HFI Total Inventories
Formula (click links for data sources):
2006 HFI = 124,600,000
+ 400,000 * $192,300 / 8,500,000M = 2.83
2012 HFI
= 131M + 1,500,000 * $168,000 / 14,750,000M
= 1.51
determine the current
value of total homes
relative to the 2006
housing market peak
valuation, the 2006
2.83% figure is substituted
into the 2012 computation
as seen in equation
2012 HFI
= 131M + 1,500,000 * $Price / 14,750B = 2.83
2012 HFI =
131M + 1,500,000 * $Price = 2.83% * 14,750B
2012 HFI =
132.5M * $Price = 41742500000000
2012 HFI = $Price
= $315,038
Therefore, given
the total inventories and shadow stockpile, housing
is a bargain. However this number is distorted due to
the fact that only a fraction of the total inventories
are for sale. The next set of equations adjusts for
this factor. The 2006 HFI is computed given total homes
for sale in equation
1.4.. Next the 2012 HFI is calculated in equation 1.5:
HFI Total For Sale Formula
(click links for data sources):
HFI = 1.8M + 400,000 * $192,300 / 8,500,000M
= 5%
HFI = 2.5M + 1,500,000 * $168,000
/ 14,750,000M = 4.6%
In order to
determine the current value of homes for
sale relative to the 2006 housing market
peak valuation, the 2006 5% figure is substituted
into the 2012 computation as seen in equation
2012 HFI
= 2.5M + 1,500,000 * $? / 14,750,000,000,000
= 5%
2012 HFI
= 2.5M + 1,500,000 * $? = 5% * 14,750,000,000,000
2012 HFI
= 2.5M + 1,500,000 * $? = 737500090000
2012 HFI
= 2.5M + 1,500,000 * $? = 737,500,090,000
/ 4,000,000
2012 HFI
= $? = 737,500,090,000 / 4,000,000 =
Thus, according to the HFI figure, in
2012, $184,375 is the fair value of the typical US house
for sale. Since the 2012 HFI figure $184,375 is 10%
above the current median house price $168,000, buying
a home is deemed prudent. Put simply, after 6 years
of brutal selling, despite the large shadow inventory,
buying a home may be a wise decision.
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*Special thanks to James Turk and for
the use of the Gold Fear Index calculation.
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