16th, Goldseek Radio Highlights:
- In
the first hour this week, I lead off with a recap
of the top market headlines. Bob Chapman
and I listen to excerpts from Benjamin Graham's
classic, The Intelligent Investor.
Next, Fox TV's Jonathan Honig joins Gary
Kaltbaum and I in a GoldSeek.com Market Panel
discussion. Gary is short oil stocks and mid caps
and likes the technology and retail sectors. He
thinks gold will find a bottom near $550. Jonathan
Honig thinks its possible for gold to climb as high
as $2,000, but he's not bullish on the market at
this point. Jon believes the falling dollar remains
an ignored trend that will remain intact for some
time to come. He shares three stocks on his radar
screen. Plus, Jack Chan tells us that the
crude oil market is in a free fall and why he expects
the market to fall to $60 per barrel. Jack remains
bullish on precious metals for the long term.
- In
the second hour, legendary commentator and forecaster,
Peter Grandich examines the profound correlation
between gold demand and the jewelry industry. In
fact, 70% of all gold supply is consumed by the
jewelry market. Peter, expects the recent pullback
in precious metals to find a strong floor as jewelry
fabricators absorb the discounted yellow metal.
As a result, he thinks gold prices will soar in
the 4th quarter due to jewelry demand alone. Like
most our guests, he thinks the dollar is doomed
and that the inverse relationship with gold approaches
85%. Peter likes silver and believes the metal will
move even faster than gold. You won't want to miss
his ultimate key to investing, it might save your
portfolio as well as your peace of mind. Peter expects
gold to rise first to a thousand dollars per ounce
and then double from that level. And congratulations
to our listener Carlton P. Carlton won this weeks
contest hands down with his gold price forecast
of $593. He will receive my autographed copy of
Joe Granville's latest book. Remember to bookmark
for your daily source of leading precious metals
news and commentary.
I - Stream
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II - Stream
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II - Stream
I - Stream
| Part
II - Stream
Peter Grandich
Managing Member, Grandich
Publications, LLC.
no formal education or training, Peter Grandich entered
Wall Street and within three years was appointed Vice
President of Investment Strategy for a leading New
York Stock Exchange member firm. He was the editor
and publisher of four investment newsletters, and
appeared on national TV and radio over 400 times.
the Wall Street Whiz Kid, Grandich gained national
notoriety by being among the very few who not only
forecasted the 1987 stock market crash just weeks
before it happened, but on the very next day he predicted
that within a year the market would reach a new all-time
high which it did. Proving his 1987 forecast
was no fluke, Mr. Grandich said in January 2000 that
the year 2000 will go down as the year the great mega
bull market of the 80s and 90s came to an end.
speaks at numerous major investment conferences worldwide
and was awarded Best Speaker Award eight times by
the International Investors Conferences.
is the founder and managing member of Grandich Publications,
LLC. Grandich Publications publishes The Grandich
Letter, North of the Border and The Blue Chip &
Income Report. First published in 1984, The Grandich
Letter provides commentary on the mining and metals
markets. North of the Border is a web-based newsletter,
providing commentary on Canadian investments from
an American point of view. The Blue Chip & Income
Report is a web-based newsletter, providing commentary
on the world's markets and economies. Click here to
view recent alerts. Click here for subscription information.
In addition, the company also provides a variety of
services to publicly-held corporations on a compensation
is also co-founder of Trinity Financial, Sports &
Entertainment Management Co., a financial services
firm with a Christian perspective. Trinity serves
the public-at-large and has a unique Pro Sports Division
that assists athletes and entertainers in the creation
and management of wealth.
addition, Grandich is a member of the National Association
of Christian Financial Consultants, and a long-standing
member of The New York Society of Security Analysts
and The Society of Quantitative Analysts. He is a
Certified Elder Planning Specialist and is listed
in the National Registry of Elder Planning Advisors.


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Joe Granville, Kal Gronvall,
Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan - September
9th, 2006
Jay Taylor, Chris Mayer,
Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan - September
2nd, 2006
Arch Crawford, Bob Chapman,
Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan - August 26, 2006
Peter Schiff, Justice
Litle, Jack Chan, Bob Chapman & Gary Kaltbaum
- August 19, 2006
John Loeffler, Gary Kaltbaum &
Bob Chapman - August 12, 2006
Chris Powell, Karl Gronvall,
Gary Kaltbaum & Bob Chapman - August 5, 2006
Dr. Leeb, David Bond, Bob Chapman,
Jack Chan & Gary Kaltbaum - July 28, 2006
Paul Van Eeden, Bob Chapman
plus more - July 22, 2006
Tim Wood, Bob Chapman plus more
- July 15, 2006
Doug Casey & The Gold Wizards
- July 8, 2006
Pamela Aden, David
Garofalo & The Gold Wizards - July 1, 2006
James Turk, Bob Moriarty &
The Gold Wizards - June 24, 2006
The Mogambo Guru, Dr.
Roger Tutterow & George-Whitehurst-Berry - June
17, 2006
G. Edward Griffin,
Kal Gronvall, Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman and Jack Chan
- June 10, 2006
Richard Russell,
Ron Brown & Trading Wizards - June 03, 2006
Jason Hommel,
Gary Stroik, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan
- May 27, 2006
Tom Udall,
Gary Stroik, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan
- May 20, 2006
Bill Murphy &
Michael Covel - May 13, 2006
Jim Sinclair - May 06, 2006
Richard Daughty, The Mogambo
Guru - April 28, 2006
Catherine Austin Fitts
- April 22, 2006
Mark Leibovit - April 15,
Addison Wiggin - April
8, 2006
Dr. Ron Paul - April 1, 2006
Bob Chapman - March 25, 2006
Dr. Marc Faber
- March 18, 2006
John Rubion & David
Coffin - March 11, 2006
Julian Phillips &
Gary Kaltbaum - March 4, 2006
Steve Forbes &
Dr. Van K. Tharp - February 25, 2006
Bob Chapman &
Jack Chan - February 18, 2006
Jim Willie, Roland
Watson & David Morgan - February 11, 2006
David Morgan
Jim Rogers
James Turk
Dr. Marc Faber
Bill Murphy
© 2006
radio.goldseek.com, Gold
Seek LLC