14th, Show Highlights:
the first hour this week, I lead off with a recap
of the top market headlines. Bob Chapman and
I listen to excerpts from Benjamin Graham's
classic, The Intelligent Investor. Next, Fox TV's
Jonathan Honig joins Gary Kaltbaum and
I in a GoldSeek.com Market Panel discussion. Gary
is short oil stocks and mid caps and likes the technology
and retail sectors. He thinks gold will find a bottom
near $550. Jonathan Honig thinks its possible for
gold to climb as high as $2,000, but he's not bullish
on the market at this point. Jon believes the falling
dollar remains an ignored trend that will remain intact
for some time to come. He shares three stocks on his
radar screen. Plus, Jack Chan tells us that
the crude oil market is in a free fall and why he
expects the market to fall to $60 per barrel. Jack
remains bullish on precious metals for the long term.
the second hour, legendary commentator and forecaster,
Peter Grandich examines the profound correlation
between gold demand and the jewelry industry. In fact,
70% of all gold supply is consumed by the jewelry
market. Peter, expects the recent pullback in precious
metals to find a strong floor as jewelry fabricators
absorb the discounted yellow metal. As a result, he
thinks gold prices will soar in the 4th quarter due
to jewelry demand alone. Like most our guests, he
thinks the dollar is doomed and that the inverse relationship
with gold approaches 85%. Peter likes silver and believes
the metal will move even faster than gold. You won't
want to miss his ultimate key to investing, it might
save your portfolio as well as your peace of mind.
Peter expects gold to rise first to a thousand dollars
per ounce and then double from that level. And congratulations
to our listener Carlton P. He won this weeks contest
with his gold price forecast of $593. He will receive
my autographed copy of Joe Granville's latest
book. Remember to bookmark commentary.goldseek.com
for your daily source of leading precious metals news
and commentary.
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Stockmarket Cycles:

Peter G. Eliades, Editor and Publisher, Stockmarket
Born 5-26-39 in Lowell, Massachusetts
Lowell High School 1956
Harvard College, A.B. 1960
Boston University Law School
J.D. 1963 (passed Massachusetts Bar Exam)
Married three children

Upon graduation from Boston University Law school,
Peter Eliades moved to New York City where he entertained
as a singer and pianist in Manhattan cabarets and
off-Broadway musical comedy. In 1967, he moved to
Los Angeles and continued his musical career. In 1968,
with a lot of time and curiosity and a little money,
Mr. Eliades initiated his stock market studies.
In 1972, he began his financial career as a stockbroker
and appeared as a stock market analyst on Los Angeles
television station KWHY, the nations first financial
TV station. Several times in the fall of 1974, he
predicted on KWHY that a major market bottom would
occur during the week of December 9-13, 1974. The
exact Dow low of 570.01 occurred on December 9, 1974.
Publication of Stockmarket Cycles began in July of
1975. In 1985, the first year he was rated by the
independent rating services, Mr. Eliades earned the
Timer Digests "Timer of the Year"
award and placed second in 1986 in a close race which
wasnt decided until the final trading day of
the year. In 1989, Mark Hulbert (Hulbert Financial
Digest) named Mr. Eliades as the "Most Consistent
Mutual fund Switcher" based on Eliades timing
signals for the years 1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988.
From January 1985 when Hulbert first started rating
Stockmarket Cycles, through August 1990, Stockmarket
Cycles had the #1 market timing record in the country
with a timing gain of 174.3% versus a comparable gain
in the Wilshire 5000 Total Return Index of 119%.
Mr. Eliades has been a regular panelist on ABCs
weekly Sunday show, Business World, and has made guest
appearances on FNN, CNBC, Wall Street Week, and Nightly
Business Report. He has been featured in some of the
nations most prestigious publications including
Barrons, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes and
Futures Magazine among others.
Mr. Eliades theory of price movement in the
stock market relates to repeating cycles rhythms.
Fundamental news has no effect on market timing and
affects only long-term trends. In over 16 years of
uninterrupted market letters, he has rarely mentioned
a fundamental news story in relation to the market.
Mr. Eliades analysis is 100% cyclically and
technically oriented.
Stockmarket Cycles provides market timing for the
more important intermediate to long term trends for
mutual fund switching. Short-term timing is also provided
for stock index futures and index options via the
daily telephone updates.


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