Veteran
quantitative
investor,
Charles
Nenner
of
Charles
Nenner
Research
Center
uses
the
skills
he
honed
as
a
proprietary
trader
at
Goldman
Sachs
to
search
for
cyclical
patterns
within
market
data.
His
cycles
work
indicates
that
a
bottom
is
likely
in
place
for
the
precious
metals
sector.
His
sophisticated
neural
network
models
remove
human
emotion
from
trading
systems,
enhancing
returns.
He's
in
the
deflation
camp,
because
the
herd
are
positioned
for
inflation.
Nevertheless,
gold
remains
an
essential
investment
choice
amid
deflationary
conditions,
since
virtually
all
other
asset
classes
will
likely
implode.
But
inflationists
will
be
vindicated,
hyperinflation
will
stage
a
comeback
within
4-5
years.
The
best
examples
of
what
to
expect
are
the
precedents
set
by
the
financial
fiascoes
in
Cyprus,
Greece
and
the
European
periphery,
where
savings
and
pension
accounts
were
raided
without
compunction
or
restitution.
He
outlines
a
unique
speculative
opportunity
involving
the
index,
which
includes
options
for
risk-takers
or
an
for
the
risk-averse.
Wall
Street
Wizard,
Peter
Grandich
says
the
stock
and
bond
market
rallies
are
overextended.
Geopolitical
concerns
in
Iraq,
a
nation
that
houses
military
bases,
could
catapult
crude
oil
prices,
sending
inflation
shock
waves
across
the
globe.
The
Fed
has
been
forced
to
shoulder
most
of
the
economic
burden
since
the
credit
crisis,
a
responsibility
that
was
traditionally
shared
by
Congress
via
fiscal
measures.
The
end
result
is
a
massive
$4.4
trillion
dollar
Fed
balance
sheet
and
looming
inflation.
Peter
expects
that
inflation
will
return
to
the
markets,
making
gold
and
silver
the
investments
du
jour.
Negative
real
interest
rates
are
key
for
higher
gold
prices
(Gibson's
Paradox),
good
news
for
gold
bulls
given
the
recent
announcement
by
the
to
maintain
a
negative
benchmark
lending
rate.
Once
gold
crosses
the
$1,400
threshold,
momentum
will
return
to
the
sector
resulting
in
a
new
bull
market.
Peter's
walk
away
points:
expect
a
substantial
decline
in
the
equities
market
before
winter
of
-
accumulate
precious
metals
at
discount
prices.
Right
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"Save
Target
As..."
to
download.
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more
about
software
needed
to
play
the
above
formats,
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Peter
Grandich
The
Grandich
Letter
About
Peter
Grandich
Managing
Member,
Grandich
Publications,
With
no
formal
education
or
training,
Peter
Grandich
entered
Wall
Street
and
within
three
years
was
appointed
Vice
President
of
Investment
Strategy
for
a
leading
New
York
Stock
Exchange
member
firm.
He
was
the
editor
and
publisher
of
four
investment
newsletters,
and
appeared
on
national
and
radio
over
times.
Labeled
the
Wall
Street
Whiz
Kid,
Grandich
gained
national
notoriety
by
being
among
the
very
few
who
not
only
forecasted
the
stock
market
crash
just
weeks
before
it
happened,
but
on
the
very
next
day
he
predicted
that
within
a
year
the
market
would
reach
a
new
all-time
high
which
it
did.
Proving
his
forecast
was
no
fluke,
Mr.
Grandich
said
in
January
that
the
year
will
go
down
as
the
year
the
great
mega
bull
market
of
the
80s
and
90s
came
to
an
end.
He
speaks
at
numerous
major
investment
conferences
worldwide
and
was
awarded
Best
Speaker
Award
eight
times
by
the
International
Investors
Conferences.
Grandich
is
the
founder
and
managing
member
of
Grandich
Publications,
Grandich
Publications
publishes
The
Grandich
Letter.
First
published
in
1984,
it
provides
commentary
on
the
mining
and
metals
markets.
In
addition,
the
company
also
provides
a
variety
of
services
to
publicly-held
corporations
on
a
compensation
basis.
In
addition,
Grandich
is
a
member
of
the
National
Association
of
Christian
Financial
Consultants,
and
a
long-standing
member
of
The
New
York
Society
of
Security
Analysts
and
The
Society
of
Quantitative
Analysts.
For
decades
the
Charles
Nenner
Research
Center
has
been
using
cycles
to
accurately
predict
the
biggest
moves
in
markets
worldwide.
As
part
of
our
research
package,
clients
receive
charts
every
Sunday,
similar
to
the
one
displayed
here.
We
created
this
interactive
chart
tutorial
to
help
explain
the
key
elements
of
our
charts.
Mouse
over
each
number
for
a
description.
short
note
about
the
research.
Our
cycles
are
found
by
looking
for,
and
analyzing,
a
series
of
equidistant
top
to
tops.
These
cycles
can
be
found
in
any
particular
data
series.
We
regularly
cover
stocks,
bonds,
currencies,
commodities
and
economic
indicators.
Cycles
provide
direction
and
timing.
However,
the
research
also
includes
price
targets
and
levels,
which
is
done
using
complex,
momentum
based
algorithms.
To
sample
our
reports,
click
on
the
contact
us
button
on
the
top
of
the
page.