Ron Paul!
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Congressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national
reputation as the premier advocate for liberty
in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman
in Washington for limited constitutional government,
low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound
monetary policies based on commodity-backed
currency. He is known among both his colleagues
in Congress and his constituents for his consistent
voting record in the House of Representatives:
Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless
the proposed measure is expressly authorized
by the Constitution. In the words of former
Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is
the "one exception to the Gang of 535"
on Capitol Hill.
Ron Paul was born and raised
in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated
from Gettysburg College and the Duke University
School of Medicine, before proudly serving
as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force
during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol
moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his
medical practice in Brazoria County. As
a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr.
Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies!
He and Carol, who reside in Surfside Beach,
Texas, are the proud parents of five children
and have seventeen grandchildren.
While serving in Congress
during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr.
Paul's limited-government ideals were not
popular in Washington. He served on the
House Banking committee, where he was a
strong advocate for sound monetary policy
and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve's
inflationary measures. He also was a key
member of the Gold Commission, advocating
a return to a gold standard for our currency.
He was an unwavering advocate of pro-life
and pro-family values. Dr. Paul consistently
voted to lower or abolish federal taxes,
spending, and regulation, and used his House
seat to actively promote the return of government
to its proper constitutional levels. In
1984, he voluntarily relinquished his House
seat and returned to his medical practice.
Dr. Paul returned to Congress
in 1997 to represent the 14th Congressional
district of Texas. He serves on the House
of Representatives Financial Services Committee,
and the International Relations committee.
On the Financial Services Committee, Rep.
Paul serves as the vice-chairman of the
Oversight and Investigations subcommittee.
He continues to advocate a dramatic reduction
in the size of the federal government and
a return to constitutional principles.
Dr. Paul is the author of
several books, including Challenge to Liberty;
The Case for Gold; and A Republic, If You
Can Keep It. He has been a distinguished
counselor to the Ludwig von Mises Institute,
and is widely quoted by scholars and writers
in the fields of monetary policy, banking,
and political economy. He has received many
awards and honors during his career in Congress,
from organizations such as the National
Taxpayers Union, Citizens Against Government
Waste, the Council for a Competitive Economy,
Young Americans for Freedom, and countless
Dr. Paul's consistent voting
record prompted one Congressman to comment
that "Ron Paul personifies the Founding
Fathers' ideal of the citizen-statesman.
He makes it clear that his principles will
never be compromised, and they never are."
Another Congresswoman added that "There
are few people in public life who, through
thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to
their principles. Ron Paul is one of those
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Saxena, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
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Harry Schultz, Ellen Augustine, Antonia Juhasz,
Jim Cramer - April 14, 2007
Dr. Peter Navarro, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - April 7, 2007
Axel Merk, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - March 31, 2007
Puru Saxena, Justice Litle,
Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
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Zapata Blake, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
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Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
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George Blake, Jack Chan, Bob Chapman & Chris
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Sara Nunnally, John Perkins,
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Yannis Mostrous,Congressman
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Congressman Dr. Ron Paul,
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Jim Rogers, Dr. Marc
Arch Crawford, Jim Letourneau,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - February 3,
J.H. Kunstler, Jack
Chan, Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- January 27, 2007
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Jack Singer, Jack Chan, Bob Chapman & Chris
Waltzek - January 20, 2007
Richard Daughty, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - January 13, 2007
Kal Gronvall, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - January 6, 2007
2006 Archvies:
Sara Nunnally, Steven
B. Lord & Bob Chapman - December 30th, 2006
Bernard Von NotHaus
& Bob Chapman - December 23rd, 2006
Peter Tertzakian &
Bob Chapman - December 16th, 2006
Dennis Gartman &
Bob Chapman - December 9th, 2006
Andre Eggelletion & Bob
Chapman - December 2nd, 2006
Greg McCoach & Bob
Chapman - November 25th, 2006
Jeff Siegel &
Bob Chapman - November 18th, 2006
Steven B. Lord & Bob
Chapman - November 11th, 2006
Peter Spina, Todd Schoenberger,
Chris Mayer, Mike Johnson - November 4th, 2006
Bill Murphy & Bob Chapman
- October 28th, 2006
Dr. Marc Faber & Bob
Chapman - October 21st, 2006
Peter Eliades & Bob
Chapman - October 14th, 2006
Brian Pretti, The Contrary
Investor & Bob Chapman - October 7th, 2006
Richard Daughty THE MOGAMBO
GURU & Bob Chapman - September 30th, 2006
Jim Rogers, Arch Crawford,
Jim Letourneau & Bob Chapman - September
24th, 2006
Bob Chapman, Jonathan Honig,
Gary Kaltbaum, Jack Chan & Peter Grandich
- September 16th, 2006
Joe Granville, Kal
Gronvall, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack
Chan - September 9th, 2006
Jay Taylor, Chris
Mayer, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan
- September 2nd, 2006
Arch Crawford, Bob Chapman,
Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan - August 26, 2006
Peter Schiff,
Justice Litle, Jack Chan, Bob Chapman & Gary
Kaltbaum - August 19, 2006
John Loeffler, Gary Kaltbaum
& Bob Chapman - August 12, 2006
Chris Powell,
Karl Gronvall, Gary Kaltbaum & Bob Chapman
- August 5, 2006
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Bob Chapman, Jack Chan & Gary Kaltbaum -
July 28, 2006
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more - July 15, 2006
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1, 2006
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Udall, Gary Stroik, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum &
Jack Chan - May 20, 2006
Bill Murphy
& Michael Covel - May 13, 2006
Jim Sinclair - May
06, 2006
Richard Daughty, The Mogambo
Guru - April 28, 2006
Catherine Austin
Fitts - April 22, 2006
Mark Leibovit - April
15, 2006
Addison Wiggin -
April 8, 2006
Dr. Ron Paul - April 1,
Bob Chapman - March 25,
Dr. Marc Faber
- March 18, 2006
John Rubino &
David Coffin - March 11, 2006
Julian Phillips
& Gary Kaltbaum - March 4, 2006
Steve Forbes
& Dr. Van K. Tharp - February 25, 2006
Bob Chapman
& Jack Chan - February 18, 2006
Jim Willie,
Roland Watson & David Morgan - February
11, 2006
David Morgan
Jim Rogers
James Turk
Dr. Marc Faber
Bill Murphy