George Blake & Jim Sinclair!
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Sinclair is primarily a precious metals
specialist and a commodities and foreign
currency trader. He founded the Sinclair
Group of Companies (1977), which offered
full brokerage services in stocks, bonds,
and other investment vehicles. The companies,
which operated branches in New York , Kansas
City, Toronto , Chicago , London and Geneva
, were sold in 1983.
1981 to 1984, Mr. Sinclair served as a Precious
Metals Advisor to Hunt Oil and the Hunt
family for the liquidation of their silver
position as a prerequisite for the $1 billion
loan arranged by the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve, Paul Volker.
was also a General Partner and Member of
the Executive Committee of two New York
Stock Exchange firms and President of Sinclair
Global Clearing Corporation (commodity clearing
firm) and Global Arbitrage (derivative dealer
in metals and currencies).
April 2002, shareholders of Tanzanian Royalty
Exploration (formerly Tan Range Exploration)
approved the acquisition of Tanzania American
International, a company controlled by the
Sinclair family, for shares in Tan Range
. Following this transaction, Mr. Sinclair
became Chairman of Tan Range and now leads
its efforts to become a gold royalty company.
has authored numerous magazine articles
and three books dealing with a variety of
investment subjects, including precious
metals, trading strategies and geopolitical
events, and their relationship to world
economics and the markets. He is a frequent
and enormously popular speaker at gold investment
conferences and his commentary on gold and
other financial issues garners extensive
media coverage at home and abroad.
January 2003, Mr. Sinclair launched, "Jim
Sinclairs MineSet," which now hosts
his gold commentary and is intended as a
free service to the gold community.
George Blake
George - You might say that oil is in
my blood. My father was a Geophysicist,
and we moved around with a seismograph crew
looking for oil since I was two years old.
I went to 17 different public schools in
11 states before graduating from East Denver
high school 1953. I graduated from the Colorado
School of Mines the world's
foremost school of mineral engineering
with advanced degrees in Geology in 57 and
Engineering in 1961.
After leaving college, I worked off and
on in the oil and gas industry. In the oil
industry my biggest corporate job was Mid-Continent
Exploration Manager for Champlin Petroleum,
at that time a division of the Union Pacific
Railroad and the 24th largest oil company
in the world. In the non-biggies I served
as President of both Rexwood Oil and Gas
and Bolero Energy Corporation at points
during my career.
During the off parts, I worked
in the brokerage industry. I worked E.F.
Hutton and Boettcher and Company, where
I was one of the top 10 brokers nationwide.
They excused me in 1986, I think they
called it mandatory retirement...
nearly everyone in the oil business got
furloughed in 1986. Amoco let go 7000 geologists
alone. Thats what happens when the
price of oil falls from $40 a barrel to
Since then Ive been keeping busy in
the areas of fund management, teaching and
mentoring others; helping others to learn
what Ive learned and know what I know.
I also wrote a book, articles and several
newsletters. I'm frequently asked to speak
for radio, web and video broadcasts due
to a track record of helping funds perform
in stressful times of skyrocketing oil and
energy costs and uncertain economics.
I do love teaching and talking about these
developments. The Chinese have a saying
"You're blessed to live in interesting
times." and the present certainly qualifies
as interesting. I bring to the financial
world an extensive knowledge of the geology
of oil and minerals and the global oil business,
as well as the psychology and historical
context of todays economic climate
presented in an honest, factual, easy-to-understand
Laird, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert Ian
- November 22, 2008
S. Dent Jr., Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - November 15, 2008
Edward Griffin, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman &
Robert Ian - November 8, 2008
Roubini, Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - November 1, 2008
S. Dent Jr., Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman & Robert
Ian - October 25, 2008
Egelletion, Jim Rogers, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian
& Chris Waltzek - October 18, 2008
Crawford, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek
- October 11, 2008
Perkins, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek
- October 4, 2008
Rogers & Robert Kiyosaki, Gary Dorsch, Robert
Ian & Chris Waltzek(Encore Show) - Sept
27, 2008
Maloney, Bob Moriarty, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian &
Chris Waltzek - Sept 20, 2008
Merk, Bob Moriarty, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian &
Chris Waltzek - Sept 13, 2008
Saxena, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek
- Sept 6, 2008
Kiyosaki, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek
- Aug. 30, 2008
Spina, Dr. Ron Paul, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian &
Chris Waltzek - Aug. 23, 2008
Rogers, Gary Dorsch, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian &
Chris Waltzek - Aug. 16, 2008
Murphy, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek
- Aug. 9, 2008
Schiff, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek(Encore
Show) - Aug. 2, 2008
Sykes, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek
- July 26, 2008
Dorsch, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- July 19, 2008
Turk, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek -
July 12, 2008
Williams, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- July 5, 2008
Kerr, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek -
June 28, 2008
Schiff, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- June 21, 2008
Eliades, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- June 14, 2008
Grandich, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- June 7, 2008
Dobbs, Peter Spina, Harry S. Dent, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek(Encore Show) - May 31, 2008
Grandich, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- May 24, 2008
Guild, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek -
May 17, 2008
Saxena, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- May 10, 2008
Bragagnolo, Louis Navellier, Bob Chapman & Chris
Waltzek - May 3, 2008
Sinclair, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- April 26, 2008
Fleckenstein, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- April 19, 2008
Ron Paul, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- April 12, 2008
Murphy, Byron King, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- April 5, 2008
Rogers , CEO Randal Hardy, Bob Chapman & Chris
Waltzek - March 29, 2008
Saxena, CEO Bill Reid, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- March 22, 2008
Gronvall, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian & Chris Waltzek
- March 15, 2008
Gorman, Peter Schiff, & Chris Waltzek
- March 8, 2008
Ron Paul, Jim Sinclair & Chris Waltzek
- March 1, 2008
Kerr, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek -
February 23, 2008
Ron Paul, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- February 16, 2008
Williams, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- February 9, 2008
Turk, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek -
February 2, 2008
David Clarke, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- January 26, 2008
Dobbs, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek -
January 19, 2008
Saxena, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- January 12, 2008
Guru, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek -
January 5, 2008
Edward Griffin, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- December 29, 2007
Puplava , Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- December 22, 2007
S. Dent Jr, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- December 15, 2007
Skousen, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- December 8, 2007
Nancy Schaefer, The Aden Sisters, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - December 1, 2007
von NotHaus, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- November 24, 2007
Puru Saxena,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - November
17, 2007
Jim Rogers, Robert Ian,
Warren Buffet, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- November 10, 2007
Bob Hoye, Warren Buffet,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - November
3, 2007
Bill Reid, Axel Merk,
Robert Ian, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- October 27, 2007
Peter Schiff, Bob Chapman
Chris Waltzek - October 20, 2007
Gary Snodgrass, Chris
Mayer, Bob Chapman Chris Waltzek - October
13, 2007
Bill Murphy, Robert
Ian, Justice Litle, Jack Chan, ZGB, Bob Chapman
Chris Waltzek - October 6, 2007
Congressman Ron Paul, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - September 29, 2007
Peter Grandich, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - September 22, 2007
Jim Sinclair, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - September 15, 2007
John Williams, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - September 8, 2007
Puru Saxena, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - September 1, 2007
Peter Eliades, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - August 25, 2007
Peter Schiff, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - August 18, 2007
Lindsey Williams, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - August 11, 2007
Ross Hansen, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - August 4, 2007
Justice Litle, Jim Willie,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - July 28, 2007
Andre Eggelletion, Bill Murphy,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - July 21, 2007
Sara Nunnally, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - July 14, 2007
Kevin Kerr, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - July 7, 2007
Mike Larson, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - June 30, 2007
Ross Hansen, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - June 23, 2007
John Perkins, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - June 16, 2007
Catherine Austin Fitts,
Franklin Sanders, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- June 9, 2007
Sara Nunnally, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - June 2, 2007
Kevin Kerr, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - May 26, 2007
Monty Guild, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - May 19, 2007
Ross Hansen, Puru Saxena,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - May 12, 2007
Chris Waltzek & Greg McCoach
- May 5, 2007
Chris Waltzek, Peter Schiff
& Justice Litle - April 28, 2007
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman,
Jim Rogers, Jack Chan & Zapata George Blake
- April 21, 2007
Chris Waltzek, Bob Chapman,
Harry Schultz, Ellen Augustine, Antonia Juhasz,
Jim Cramer - April 14, 2007
Dr. Peter Navarro, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - April 7, 2007
Axel Merk, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - March 31, 2007
Puru Saxena, Justice Litle,
Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- March 24, 2007
Jim Puplava, Jack Chan, George
Zapata Blake, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- March 17, 2007
Arch Crawford, Jack Singer,
Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- March 10, 2007
Dan Norcini, Justice Litle,
George Blake, Jack Chan, Bob Chapman & Chris
Waltzek - March 3, 2007
Sara Nunnally, John Perkins,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - February 24,
Yannis Mostrous,Congressman
Dr. Ron Paul, Jonathan Honig, Bob Chapman &
Chris Waltzek - February 17, 2007
Congressman Dr. Ron Paul,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - February 10,
Jim Rogers, Dr. Marc
Arch Crawford, Jim Letourneau,
Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek - February 3,
J.H. Kunstler, Jack
Chan, Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman & Chris Waltzek
- January 27, 2007
Dan Solin, Peter Grandich,
Jack Singer, Jack Chan, Bob Chapman & Chris
Waltzek - January 20, 2007
Richard Daughty, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - January 13, 2007
Kal Gronvall, Bob Chapman
& Chris Waltzek - January 6, 2007
2006 Archives:
Sara Nunnally, Steven
B. Lord & Bob Chapman - December 30th, 2006
Bernard Von NotHaus
& Bob Chapman - December 23rd, 2006
Peter Tertzakian &
Bob Chapman - December 16th, 2006
Dennis Gartman &
Bob Chapman - December 9th, 2006
Andre Eggelletion & Bob
Chapman - December 2nd, 2006
Greg McCoach & Bob
Chapman - November 25th, 2006
Jeff Siegel &
Bob Chapman - November 18th, 2006
Steven B. Lord & Bob
Chapman - November 11th, 2006
Peter Spina, Todd Schoenberger,
Chris Mayer, Mike Johnson - November 4th, 2006
Bill Murphy & Bob Chapman
- October 28th, 2006
Dr. Marc Faber & Bob
Chapman - October 21st, 2006
Peter Eliades & Bob
Chapman - October 14th, 2006
Brian Pretti, The Contrary
Investor & Bob Chapman - October 7th, 2006
Richard Daughty THE MOGAMBO
GURU & Bob Chapman - September 30th, 2006
Jim Rogers, Arch Crawford,
Jim Letourneau & Bob Chapman - September
24th, 2006
Bob Chapman, Jonathan Honig,
Gary Kaltbaum, Jack Chan & Peter Grandich
- September 16th, 2006
Joe Granville, Kal
Gronvall, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack
Chan - September 9th, 2006
Jay Taylor, Chris
Mayer, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan
- September 2nd, 2006
Arch Crawford, Bob Chapman,
Gary Kaltbaum & Jack Chan - August 26, 2006
Peter Schiff,
Justice Litle, Jack Chan, Bob Chapman & Gary
Kaltbaum - August 19, 2006
John Loeffler, Gary Kaltbaum
& Bob Chapman - August 12, 2006
Chris Powell,
Karl Gronvall, Gary Kaltbaum & Bob Chapman
- August 5, 2006
Dr. Leeb, David Bond,
Bob Chapman, Jack Chan & Gary Kaltbaum -
July 28, 2006
Paul Van Eeden, Bob Chapman
plus more - July 22, 2006
Tim Wood, Bob Chapman plus
more - July 15, 2006
Doug Casey & The Gold Wizards
- July 8, 2006
Pamela Aden,
David Garofalo & The Gold Wizards - July
1, 2006
James Turk, Bob Moriarty
& The Gold Wizards - June 24, 2006
The Mogambo Guru,
Dr. Roger Tutterow & George-Whitehurst-Berry
- June 17, 2006
G. Edward Griffin,
Kal Gronvall, Gary Kaltbaum, Bob Chapman and Jack
Chan - June 10, 2006
Russell, Ron Brown & Trading Wizards - June
03, 2006
Hommel, Gary Stroik, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum
& Jack Chan - May 27, 2006
Udall, Gary Stroik, Bob Chapman, Gary Kaltbaum &
Jack Chan - May 20, 2006
Bill Murphy
& Michael Covel - May 13, 2006
Jim Sinclair - May
06, 2006
Richard Daughty, The Mogambo
Guru - April 28, 2006
Catherine Austin
Fitts - April 22, 2006
Mark Leibovit - April
15, 2006
Addison Wiggin -
April 8, 2006
Dr. Ron Paul - April 1,
Bob Chapman - March 25,
Dr. Marc Faber
- March 18, 2006
John Rubino &
David Coffin - March 11, 2006
Julian Phillips
& Gary Kaltbaum - March 4, 2006
Steve Forbes
& Dr. Van K. Tharp - February 25, 2006
Bob Chapman
& Jack Chan - February 18, 2006
Jim Willie,
Roland Watson & David Morgan - February
11, 2006
David Morgan
Jim Rogers
James Turk
Dr. Marc Faber
Bill Murphy
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Band (Footprint Map)
Transponder 5
Frequency: 11836
Symbol Rate: 20765
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